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Web Privacy Statement

51²è¹Ý respects your privacy and collects no personally identifiable information about you unless you affirmatively choose to make such information available to us. The University does not actively share personal information about Web site visitors. Personal information provided by visitors, such as e-mail addresses or information submitted via online forms, is used by the University to assist individual visitors as necessary. This assistance may involve redirecting an inquiry or comment to another University individual or unit better suited to provide resolution.

The University analyzes its web server log files to collect summary information about visitors to its web site. We do not sell the information we collect from individual visitors to our websites to third parties.  However, because 51²è¹Ý is a public institution, some information collected from 51²è¹Ý's Web site may be subject to the 51²è¹Ý Open Records Act, or in some instances the University may be compelled by law to release information gathered from University of 51²è¹Ý Web servers. Some Web servers at 51²è¹Ý may adopt different privacy statements as their specific needs require that differ from this statement.

51²è¹Ý cookies: We use cookies on UA hosted websites, including ua.edu. A cookie is a small file placed onto your device when you visit a website that enables features and functionality. The information contained in a cookie typically includes information collected automatically by the web server and/or information provided voluntarily by the user. We use cookies to remember your preferences and provide a more personalized and efficient experience. We use cookies from platforms including but not limited to Google Analytics, Salesforce, Clarity, Slate, Facebook/Meta and other social media applications to generate statistics about our site to improve our services to you.

You may change your cookie preferences at any time in your browser privacy and security settings. Some of our services may not function properly if you block cookies.

51²è¹Ý is a research institution. At anytime there are numerous online surveys being conducted on the University of 51²è¹Ý Web site. Confidential information gathered in these online surveys is used only for the research purpose indicated in the survey. Unless otherwise noted on the specified survey, your answers are confidential and individual responses will not be shared with other parties unless required by law. Aggregate data from surveys may be shared with external third parties.

51²è¹Ý also complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA"), which prohibits the release of educational records without student permission. For more details on FERPA, currently enrolled students should consult the University of 51²è¹Ý Student Handbook or the University's Office of Academic Records and University Registrar.

Please direct any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of any University of 51²è¹Ý Web site, or your use of this Web site to theÂ